Marmite poll

You have 10 days to vote in this poll of which wildlife NGO you like the most – and which (out of those listed of course) you like the least.

The interim results are fascinating with the RSPB leading the ‘likes’ but also third in the ‘loathes’.  BASC is leading in the ‘loathed’ stakes.

There are over 1200 votes cast so far across the two polls with just under 700 votes on the ‘likes’ and over 550 in the ‘loathes’.  Those figures are interesting in themselves – people seem almost as keen to express their dislikes as their likes.

I’m very interested in how badly some large NGOs are doing – and how well some small ones are performing.  Yes, this is just a small and biased sample of peculiarly wonderful people – the readers of this blog – but it’s a squint or a leer into what people think of different NGOS.

10 days to vote – anyone could win either poll.  Do vote if you haven’t yet and do encourage others to do so.
