
Things that caught my eye:

  • a Chiffchaff caught my eye at Stanwick Lakes this morning. It also caught my ear – but with a call not a song (despite everything else being in song) so I am putting it down as a late winter visitor rather than an early spring arrival – though, who knows?!
  • garbled Mail story – but still good news for Barn Owls – who had a good breeding season last year according to the BTO.  Good vole years are good Barn Owl years.
  • e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting passes 21,250 with a bit of a spurt
  • someone who did a small, blue, act of kindness
  • still checking Green Woodpeckers for Weasels myself
  • this radio programme is about the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon



2 Replies to “Various”

  1. Just listened to the John Aitchison radio show about the Passenger Pigeon, very sad indeed and instantly makes you think of all the other species that are fighting for survival.

  2. That is a good increase, Mark, of the number of signatures on the e-petition to ban driven grouse moors

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