
IMG_2406Dear Rules Restaurant

I wrote to you, as a customer, a while ago asking about the provenance of your game meat and what you think about the lead levels in it.

Rather surprisingly you referred me to the GWCT for answers. I have contacted them and, perhaps not surprisingly, they say that they do not speak on your behalf on these matters. So I am coming back to you. Do you have anything to say on these matters or do you wish not to comment on the levels of a poison in the food that you sell and will not comment on the provenance of your meat?

I offered to meet you, with experts on lead levels in game meat, if you would like to have a full briefing on the subject. That offer is still open.

This letter will be posted on my blog as will any reply or lack of reply from you.

best wishes

PS You now have a low score on tripadvisor from me, entitled ‘Uncommunicative and pricey’ because of your lack of response to my questions. I’ll be happy to upgrade my customer satisfaction rating if you reply in the way that would be expected of any restaurant when asked about the quality of its food. I see that my tripadvisor comment has already had one ‘helpful’ vote.


4 Replies to “Rules”

  1. Very well done Mark, “hats off to you” for persisting with this campaign. These people should answer these questions of yours without a doubt. i am surprised that the Food Standards Agency are not expressing interest as well. After all, they are supposed to monitor our food and ensure any harmful substances in it are below permitted levels. Are they doing their job?

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