Check out Raptor Persecution UK

I was on the road yesterday afternoon when an interesting and important story broke. And I’m still on the road.

But I believe a team of people at Raptor Persecution UK has been working through the night to keep you up to date.

So go have a look at their blog and I will be back with a considered comment this evening – timing dependent on traffic!



8 Replies to “Check out Raptor Persecution UK”

  1. I always thought Mark Osborne (no doubt you have a story or two involving him during your RSPB days, Mark) would play as big a role in ending driven grouse shooting as pretty much anyone on the conservation side. Hopefully he’s not fully feeling quite as untouchable today as he used to boast he was.

    1. In the wake of this I’d suggest that further letters to H Ghosh would be useful to demonstrate support for the action and encourage the Trust to have the courage of its convictions and keep going in the right direction.

  2. It is good news, but only a qualified victory. As I understand it, the tenant can still appeal the decision, they have been given almost two year’s notice, and whoever the new tenant is will almost certainly employ the same keeping staff. There is still a long way to go, and we need to make sure the pressure is kept firmly on and not slack off because we have one small potential victory.

    I hate being the wet blanket, but I’ve seen so many pressure groups and campaigns fall apart because they declare victory at the first small thing, and then everyone goes home and what ever was being protested quietly starts back up doing the same damn thing over and over again. If anything this is the time to be even more cynical and step up our activities, not celebrate. This time lets keep piling it on until we have an unqualified victory.

  3. This is truly excellent news. I have already emailed Jon Stewart at the NT to congratulate him/them on this decision and would urge everyone to do the same.
    We complain when they don’t do as we wish so we should also be quick to praise when they do.
    Hopefully the RSPB will now feel even further behind the curve.

  4. This would not have happened if it was not for the RSPB putting pressure on the park. The only thing you will not hear is them claiming it.

  5. I’ve read elsewhere a similar thing to ‘random22’ comments but slightly different. I’ve heard/read elsewhere that the NT is still offering shooting rights to another tenant?

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