How did I miss this? Sell out? No, Sells stays in!


I’m not sure how I missed this piece of news except, perhaps, because it was only lauded on the Moorland Association website.

Andrew Sells is pictured hiding behind a wall by the Moorland Association whereas Natural England is usually perceived as sitting on a fence whilst preparing to jump off on the wrong side of it!

It is clear that the Moorland Association feel they have Mr Sells on their side. Now, about that X-ray of Rowan…


8 Replies to “How did I miss this? Sell out? No, Sells stays in!”

  1. With a surge in house building on SSSIs [Sites of Sustainable Slosh Income] I presume this man will carry on making money out of this market that brought him to fame!

  2. It seems Andrew Sells will get £61,698 for 113 days work per year for Natural England.
    Anyone know what he does/earns for the other 252 days?

  3. So the Countryside Alliance runs both the Hawk and Owl trust and Natural England….hmmm.

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