5 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”

  1. Which category do you see yourself in Mark?
    If I had enough money I’d buy up all the grouse moors in the UK and run them as nature reserves where Hen Harriers and Golden Eagles would thrive.
    With the money flowing in from wildlife tourism, all those hundreds of thousands of people paying (in a roundabout way; local economy and all that) to see and photograph our majestic raptors in natural surroundings, my investment would soon be doubled.
    But I don’t have that money so I’ll just go on detesting the rich grouse moor owners.
    I’m definitely in the peasant category.

  2. They also hate paying benefits to the disabled, withdrawing benefit support for people with mental health problems for example, but are fine lading on “subsidies” and “expenses” for landowners and MPs too.

    This is one of the most evil Governments of recent times. And it is hard to top a woman who made the poor choose between eating or voting, and a man who lied to start a war, but they’ve managed it.

  3. Not a galleon perhaps but the neglect of the palaces at Westminster & Windsor now require how many billions to address?

    How about the reduced number of parliamentarians we keep being promised squatting in Buck House? Cut backs require a contribution from all surely? For the many not just the few?

    Renovate Westminster & then lease to the highest ‘foreign’ interest to generate income to support say the NHS or the natural environment?

    I’m not anti royal, but do we fancy an autocratic president as an alternative? Accountability and transparency, democracy as we are experiencing seems to be losing the confidence of the many whilst the few clamber over the bodies in their quest for ‘power’?

    Sorry, a bit radical for a Saturday night ….

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