A useful website – coronavirus

I’ve been looking for a website like this one and a friend in the USA sent me the link. This (above) shows the top of a much bigger table and I have ranked the countries (rows) by their value in the right hand column – deaths/million of population. Note that already China has dropped out…

Some comments on comments

There have been nearly 68,000 comments made on this blog since it sprang into life in spring 2011. Over 9,000 of them have been by me – replying to your comments. The rest have been made by several hundred folk – it would be a very time consumting exercise to work out quite how many…

BTO press release – Volunteers’ data vital in wetland conservation

Data collected by volunteers as part of the Wetland Bird Survey, and published in a report today, play a crucial role in the designation of protected wetland sites in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and underline their importance in helping to conserve our waterbirds. Many of the UK’s wetlands are given protected status as a…

Tidy houses, tidy inboxes, messy hair

Being confined to one’s house enables one to do some of that decluttering that never gets done at other times. The inboxes of my email accounts are now slimmed down and many emails are filed away properly and an awful lot are deleted. And the same goes for the house, although that is a much…