Book review – Climate Change by HRH The Prince of Wales

It’s a while since I bought a Ladybird book – but I still have a lot of the original series dotted around the house. This book, published today, is one of the ‘Expert’ series and the three authors can rightly be classed as such (but even if they weren’t, this book has been peer-reviewed by…

Climate change – what you think

Readers of this blog are pretty convinced that climate change is happening (graph above), that it is caused by human activities (graph below)… …that it is a problem for us (below)… …but less confident that we can do much about it (below)…     This is not surprising.

Climate plus one

Global temperatures are set to reach 1°C above pre-industrial levels this year (Daily Mail, Independent, BBC) and world leaders are going to Paris in a few weeks time to sort it out. Today the RSPB released an important report and some very interesting polling information. Let’s deal with the polling first. The polling suggests that…