Sunday quotes (17)

A series of quotes relevant to the environment and/or campaigning.

This week’s quote, in the week he became Chair of Natural England, comes from Tony Juniper (born 1960).

Nature is not a drag on growth – its protection is an unavoidable prerequisite for sustaining economic development.

Guardian article, Why the economy nees nature, 9 January 2013.

More about Tony Juniper here; wikipedia, his website, my interview with him in Behind More Binoculars.


11 Replies to “Sunday quotes (17)”

  1. Here’s another suggested quote for a Sunday.

    “It is nought good a slepyng hound to wake.” Geoffrey Chaucer c.1380

    Meaning: Avoid interfering in a situation which is currently stable. Perhaps one to bear in mind for the future.

    1. Bob – you must start a blog yourself. It sounds like whereas those who disagree with me often choose to call me an activist, those who disagree with you might call you an inactivist.

      1. Thanks Mark, and for taking my comment in the spirit in which it was meant!

        In my professional life I had quite a lot to do with lawyers. I was a great believer in carrot and stick to get what my employers wanted. Fortunately we had quite a big legal stick and I might have sometimes been a bit overgenerous with the carrots, but the only person who ever took one of my cases to court (the Lands Tribunal) lost by a mile. Thus I favour quiet diplomacy over court action but I appreciate there are times when the legal stick not only has to be threatened but used.

        1. Bob W – no worries. I too believe in carrots and sticks. There are some people who will just keep wolfing down your carrots and change nothing though. Diplomacy is overrated if you are dealing with bullies, as one sometimes is in life.

  2. Has Tony Juniper yet issued a statement? He seems so far to have been fairly invisible. Natural England needs strong, decisive leadership – particularly on an issue that is high on the media agenda.

  3. I too wonder why Tj has not made any comment since categorically denying that he had anything to do with the shooting ban decision.

    Perhaps he is keen to play down his links with MA….

    1. Karen A – or perhaps you haven’t read this

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And again? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And again? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And again? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And agauin? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And again? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

      But you seem to be asking for Tony to repeat his denial, since you recognise he denied it, but you want him to deny it again? And again? How many times would you like him to say the same thing?

  4. Clearly your feathers are ruffled and you don’t have to be so rude . It is a ban as far as I am concerned until the new licences are in place .

  5. A good quote from the new Chairman of Natural England. With this approach I think Tony Juniper may well have a few clashes with nature’s dead hand and worst minister for decades,Ms Coffey. It will behave Tony to keep well in with Gove.

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