RSPB press release – pesticides

Lack of research, weak regulation and a mix of over 150 pesticides – all the ingredients needed for a harmful cocktail of chemicals used in our countryside

  • Every year over 150 different pesticides are used across the UK’s countryside in a combined quantity that could cover all UK farmland over ten times every year but there are major gaps in the understanding of how this cocktail of chemicals is affecting wildlife.
  • The RSPB is concerned that the risk assessment process for pesticides does not adequately assess the real-world impacts of the mix of chemicals being used across the UK.
  • When we only know the tip of the iceberg of what pesticides are doing to our natural world, and over half of farmland species are in decline, it is time for the governments of the UK to support farmers in reducing their use of pesticides as well as improving our testing and understanding of what we are using on our land.

Today, the RSPB has published a comprehensive review of studies looking at the harmful effect of pesticides  on wildlife and sets out why the current risk assessments are not protecting wildlife from these chemicals.

The report comes 60 years after Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, the world’s first wake-up call that pesticides were having unexpected, and previously unknown, side effects on wildlife and people. Six decades later over 150 different pesticides are used across the UK’s countryside in a combined quantity that could cover all UK farmland over ten times every year. However, the RSPB’s review reveals that there are still major gaps in the understanding of what this combination of chemicals is doing to our land, wildlife and food chains.

This is of grave concern to the public, as 72 per cent of land in the UK is managed for agriculture with a third of this being used for growing crops and we need our politicians to take action on this. Arable farmland is the type of land where the nature crisis is being felt most keenly where populations of farmland birds have more than halved on average since 1970. Both within the UK and across Europe insect populations are showing dramatic declines, and not just within those species being targeted by pesticides.

This is all within the wider context revealed by the most recent State of Nature Report which shows that that around half of UK species are declining and 15 per cent are at threat of extinction. The report listed agricultural management as one of the main drivers of wildlife decline in the UK.

The RSPB’s  comprehensive search through the published literature, found that the negative impacts of only a few specific pesticides were well understood. In a search relating to the 30 most used pesticides in the UK, 70% of the articles related to just four chemicals. Ten of these 30 pesticides had fewer than 6 studies, and 16 (including several, highly hazardous pesticides) had not been subject to a literature review. This illustrates the very limited understanding of the real-world impacts of many of our most widely used pesticides. The review also highlights the severe lack of understanding of the possible interactive effects that multiple chemicals can have on wildlife, or so called ‘cocktail effects’.

The review makes very clear that pesticides do have an inevitable negative impact on wildlife beyond the pest species they are targeting. This is because they are rarely specific to the target pest species, they find their way beyond the area they have been applied to – contaminating nearby habitats – and because they persist in the environment for weeks, months or even years after their use.

The risk assessment process does not adequately assess the real-world impacts of pesticides. For example, it does not take into account long-term, chronic effects of chemicals of long-term exposure, nor does it account for the fact that wildlife is exposed to a cocktail of chemicals as it focusses on just one active substance at a time. It also does not measure important behavioural effects, such as the impact of neonicotinoids on the ability of honeybees to navigate back to their hive, or the impact on the food chain of removing plants or insects which animals like birds and mammals rely on.

Katie-Jo Luxton the RSPB’s director for conservation said: “We have sleepwalked into pesticides being the norm in terms of the way we manage land, believing every problem can be solved with chemicals. The combination of lack of research, inadequate risk assessment and weak regulation has created a toxic situation where an unchecked cocktail of different chemicals are regularly applied across our countryside, without regard to harm on wildlife and the wider natural environment.

What we do know is extremely worrying, but clearly is just the very tip of an iceberg of understanding about the impacts of pesticides on our wildlife; above land, below it and in our rivers and seas.

We also know that our farmland wildlife is in decline, underlined by last week’s announcement that there are just 2,100 pairs of turtle doves left in the UK down from 125,000 pairs in the 1970s. Many innovative farmers are finding ways to work with nature to reduce their reliance on pesticides while still producing healthy and profitable food. With the right support from Government many more farmers can be encouraged to do the same.  With farmers help, we can halt wildlife decline and keep common species common and avoid extinction.

The RSPB is making five recommendations to the governments of the UK:

  • Governments should commit to pesticide reduction targets across the UK to set a clear direction of travel to better protect people and the environment. It is vitally important that these targets address total pesticide usage as well as  the overall level of harm (or toxicity) to wildlife. What will not work, is developing more and more toxic products that can be used in smaller quantities but do not reduce the impacts on wildlife
  • Farmers need Government financial support, training and independent advice to reduce their reliance on pesticides. The development of post-Brexit environmental farming schemes in the UK offers this opportunity.
  • We need increased investment in research and development of non-chemical alternatives to pesticides – especially pest control solutions that involve working with nature.
  • We must ensure that the UK’s pesticide approvals process is strengthened to ensure that approved chemicals cause minimal harm to wildlife, and the real-world impacts are better understood.

And away from farmland, gardeners and other landowners can do their part:

  • Outside of agriculture, people can make their own contribution by gardening organically, and asking their local councils to go pesticide free in towns and cities.

To find out more about how the RSPB is working with landowners to promote nature friendly farming visit:



8 Replies to “RSPB press release – pesticides”

  1. I am so glad that at last someone is sitting up and taking notice, I hate sprays and run if I see it happening anywhere, if in the car I turn off every thing that might bring it into the car. I realise that they are nearly everywhere these days and have read that they are in birds, in wildlife and in all humans in this country.
    Certainly less is used at each go, but probably stronger. Also it is often applied when wind is blowing, which is not meant to happen. and there is the driver sitting in his well protected cab, while all things passing are hit with the lethal spray.

  2. By Custom and Practice no organisation ever publishes a link to the actual report in a press release or even on its own website

  3. Even if we were confident – and evidently we cannot remotely be so – that the pesticides used only affect the target pest within the fields in which they are are sprayed, we know that the deluge of chemicals applied has an enormous impact on wildlife simply by virtue of the creation of vast areas of mono-culture in which scarcely any plant other than the crop exists. There is little to support a diverse fauna and flora in such an environment.

    It is vital that we seek to better understand the ways in which toxic chemicals affect non target species including potential chronic impacts and interactive effects and use this information to develop a regulatory system that prevents the use of the most harmful chemicals or cocktails of chemicals. However, we should also recognise that no matter how targeted, accurately applied and non persistent the chemicals we use are, there is no such thing as a pesticide that is harmless to nature. The report’s recommendations aimed at reducing the overall usage of chemicals are particularly important.

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