What’s the time? #timetoact

I was at the climate march in London on Saturday. It was fun like all marches are. I saw a few friends – which was good too. Here are some more photographs.     What’s the time? Time to change!    

Oscar Dewhurst – Cormorant

    Oscar writes: Last winter I spent several days photographing Cormorants in the centre of London at a spot where they would fish throughout the day. The picture I really wanted to get was one where a bird had a fish in its beak. It was harder than it sounds, however, as within a…

Sunday book review – Cuckoo by Nick Davies

Nick Davies is a top-scientist (he is a Fellow of the Royal Society), and a birder, and he was the external examiner for my PhD.  So, he’s quite a guy. I remember once walking down Tennis Court Road in Cambridge, heading to see a flock of Waxwings which were reported to be nearby. I encountered…


Just a few things: did you see this? It could only happen in Essex? Turtle Dove update Swansea tidal power – did you read about it here first? This is why you need bloggers – but… …if this ever happens to me I suggest you look for shotgun pellets. Be careful what you comment on…