British Beavers Back to stay

Eurasian Beavers living in northern Britain, Scotland actually, are to be given legal protection so that they can spread their range naturally. This is a big step forward for rewilding proponents and anti-de-wilding proponents but I forecast trouble ahead. Already the NFUS is up in arms about this and has said that proper management of…

Guest blog – What we do at Knepp by Charlie Burrell

  Charlie Burrell inherited Knepp Estate, a 3,500 acre dairy and arable farm in West Sussex in the 1980s. After farming intensively and unprofitably on the heavy clay for 17 years, in 2000 he embarked on a rewilding project based on a system of naturalistic grazing. It is the largest such project in lowland Britain…

Many BASC members find their social life unimproved by shooting.

BASC carried out a survey of ‘the public’ and asked 1457 people some questions back in March 2015. However, the public were 84% BASC members and 16% non-members. Only 77% of respondents (remember 84% were BASC members) said their social life would be poorer without shooting.  Clearly at least 8.3% of BASC members would have…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Benjamin Franklin wanted the Wild Turkey to be the national bird of the USA instead of the actual choice of the Bald Eagle.  He wrote to his daughter thus: “For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character….