Black Hairstreak

It was almost like Glastonbury yesterday in Glapthorn Cow Pasture – a huge crowd (of eight of us – but that is huge for there) and muddy underfoot. The Black Hairstreaks were performing very nicely – and the eight of us had about a half a butterfly each on average. You can always tell where…

How do we get to rewilded uplands?

The simple vision of rewilded uplands painted yesterday prompted a question from a reader (Ezra Lucas) that is answered, or at least discussed, here. The question is how do we get from where we are to a more rewilded upland situation, and how do we get from a post-grouse shooting world to rewilded uplands? First,…


Another 1000 passed! Hooray! We will soon have 100 Westminster parliamentary constituencies in the ‘100 Club’ and two thirds (or more) of them will be Conservative seats. High Peak becomes the third seat to pass 200 signatures. There are more than 12 weeks to go – I wonder what the final total will be. I…

Throwing CAP up in the air

  Everything is in flux, but if we really are leaving the EU then the biggest conservation opportunity is bound to be through changing our financing of agriculture. We spend £3bn per annum on agricultural support at the moment (in England and Wales). We can spend more or less than that post Brexit because we…

Slim Chance of survival of Hen Harriers

    Yet another satellite-tagged Hen Harrier, this one called Chance, has disappeared – her last known location (when transmitting a strong signal) was on a south Lanarkshire grouse moor.  This sounds as though it must be in the same general area where Annie (pictured above) died. Add in Highlander whose satellite tag stopped transmitting…