Are farmers bonkers?

Tomorrow we will find out whether farmers, in the shape of the NFU, are completely bonkers? As has been rehearsed here already, some Brexiteers, including my MP, seem to think that we would continue to pay farmers lots of money just because we are in thrall to them, if we left the EU. This scenario…

Where was I? The answer.

I spent some time in France, in the Languedoc, and mostly in the Aude and Herault. Very nice too, although we discovered the Tramontane wind.   Not Spain or Portugal – but almost as good and not so far away. 133 species of birds in four days at a civilised pace with good food, good…

Where was I – 5?

I spent four days abroad last week – birdwatching, drinking red wine, eating oysters and having a great time with friends. Where might I have been? Here are a series of teasing clues, I hope, to get you thinking. Answer at 1800. Clue 7: there was a passage of Black Kites, Buzzards, Osprey and Marsh…

Where was I – 4?

I spent four days abroad last week – birdwatching, drinking red wine, eating oysters and having a great time with friends. Where might I have been? Here are a series of teasing clues, I hope, to get you thinking. One more clue at 1600 and then the answer at 1800. Clue 6: we saw Yellow-legged…