Pigeon plague on moorlands over Britain

There has clearly been a plague of pigeons attacking this valuable heather crop on an SSSI in the Peak District  – that’s the only reason for employing bird-scaring devices such as this gas gun (and what are those white flags for?) in an SSSI during the breeding season. Obviously. Since a gas gun doesn’t fall…

Booming Bitterns

Good news on Bitterns yesterday from the RSPB – 11 males in 1997, over 150 males in 2015 after years of conservation science, habitat management, habitat re-creation and partnership working.  And this was, no-one would deny, led by the RSPB. We await the congratulatory press release from YFTB. At Ham Wall, there are apparently 17…

This was not a fake review

When I criticised Rules restaurant on the site Tripadvisor it really was me, and I really meant it – even though some comments on similar sites are apparently fake ones. I asked Rules, having been there as a customer, about the provenance of its game meat and whether it was completely up to date with…