Manifesto week

By the end of this week it will be manifest how poor is the grasp of environmental issues by our leading political parties.  I am not expecting that any of them will reach the standards of the Green Party’s environmental manifesto. The Liberal Democrats: usually have some good things on the environment in their manifesto…

Tim Melling – White-headed Vulture

This is the White-headed Vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis) which is rare and declining throughout its range.  It has been classified as critically endangered by IUCN, which is the highest category before extinction in the wild.  Although it is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa it is always scarce and at low density. Being a vulture it feeds on…

Tim Melling – Yellowhammer

The song of the Yellowhammer is supposed to sound like “a little bit of bread and no cheese”.   It was Enid Blyton who popularised this rendition of the song in several of her books and poems (eg The Yellowhammer Bird in Enid Blyton’s Nature Lover’s Handbook 1944).  This is another seriously depleted farmland bird that…