Goodbye to Donana

And so we say farewell to Doñana after 12 days of research for a book. ‘We’? That’s me and Ruth Miller. The book? Watch this space but it may take a while!

Bad Defra; bad grouse moors.

There is dancing in the streets of El Rocio this morning as news spreads of the reprimand given to the UK government (esp Defra) by the EU over the poor job done by the UK to protect blanket bogs from burning.  Blanket bogs don’t prosper under a scorched earth strategy and all this crap about…

It’s not all beer and skittles, you know!

No skittles at all. Researching a book requires great application and diligence. And birds can pop up anywhere. This Grey Heron caught me by surprise. Note it is the  Garza Real (Royal Heron) in Spanish. The Purple Heron is the Garza Imperial. Is that because only emperors can wear purple or simply because it is…

Tim Melling – Gelada fight

This was one of the most exciting wildlife moments I have ever witnessed.  It was just like a schoolyard fight while the gang cheered on their champion. Alpha male Geladas have a harem of up to eight females, which leaves a large number of bachelor males that hang around in gangs.  They go around testing…