The thunderous Findlay Wilde is a friend of mine

The thunderous Findlay Wilde is a friend of mine – but so are his parents, Nigel and Heather, and his brother Harley.  I stayed with them on Saturday night after travelling up from Rainham and before going with them to Parkgate. I see on my phone that I have some very sweet-looking photos of 12-year-old…

Hen Harrier Days 2018 – a brief summary

A short summary of events over the weekend (and last weekend) ahead of the opening of the grouse shooting season (usually on the Inglorious 12th but this year) on the Inglorious 13th.  [Obviously I wasn’t present at them all – any updates or corrections will be welcome].   Sheffield – 4 August About 180 attendees….

What a great weekend!

I’m home again after a great Hen Harrier weekend.  Thank you to BAWC and all the individual organisers for the work they put into making it a success. Rainham Marshes was hot and sunny. Parkgate was mild and dry despite the promise of rain – and we saw a ringtail Hen Harrier over the marsh….

Hen Harrier Sunday

I’ll be here today… …because this happens… … and governments aren’t doing nearly enough to stop it. #stopkillinghenharriers