RSPB Green Recovery Plan

Yesterday the RSPB launched this document with a rather ambitious title. In 15 pages, which amount to six and a half pages of text, the RSPB sets out its green recovery plan. As a bunch of ideas they are very much the right ideas. As a plan, it’s hardly a plan. As a report, it’s…

RSPB webinar with Rebecca Pow

I watched this webinar this morning and it was a good event. Thank you to the RSPB for putting it together. It coincided with the launch of what the RSPB call a Green Recovery Plan (I’ll come back to that later) but in many ways this event was a stand-alone event. Beccy Speight, RSPB CEO,…

My news blast

I’ll be sending out a newsletter this morning. If you’d like to subscribe then have a look here and sign up, free, if you’d like to get occasional emails from me. You’ll be joining over 4000 subscribers.

Not many Pheasants in my neck of the woods

What a gorgeous bird the Pheasant is! Pheasant blasting starts on 1 October but I think they’ll be thin on the ground, and in the air, in these parts this year. On my recent journeys around rural Northamptonshire, and raids into Cambridgeshire to carry home loads of blackberries, there seem to be very few Pheasants…