Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill

What they said about the Natalie Bennett car-crash interviews: this blog Natalie Bennett in the Daily Telegraph Natalie Bennett in the Guardian Zoe Williams in the Guardian Daily Mail The Daily Mirror on car-crash interviews Cartoonist Ralph Underhill has an exhibition of his work in Aberdeen Central library next week as part of Aberdeen Climate…

A green deal

I got my electricity bill today and it was a bit less than I was expecting so that was nice! I also got an email from my electricity supplier, Ecotricity, the other day.  They’d like me to persuade you to switch to them and then they’ll give you £50 worth of vouchers and me £50…

Guest Blog – A Christmas Greeting for a Climate Sceptic Council Leader by Sarah Whitebread

Sarah Whitebread is an environmental campaigner and Lib Dem councillor from Cambridge.  She has an Mphil in Environmental Policy and works for an MP in Westminster. Cambridgeshire is currently being run by a climate sceptic.  Councillor Nick Clarke, leader of the County Council, declared on his blog a few months ago that “it is now clear…

Let’s hear it for the buzzard – and the osprey

I fled Scotland a day early and am now back home – the weather drove me away.  I did consider turning up at the Scottish Game Fair on Friday, but standing around in the rain, in a soggy field full of people moaning about buzzards didn’t really appeal to me.  I see they will get…