A bit random – blog 36

If you are reading this it means that I have spent today without time to write a blog.  This will, I hope, be because I have been seeing loads and loads of birds with Richard Fray.


Bumper sticker – Obama so loved the poor that he decided to make millions more of them

Billboard – don’t move a mussel (advice on how to make sure you don’t import invasive aquatic species through recreational boating)

Bumper sticker – Beef – it’s what’s for dinner

Leaflet – Fuel your Arizona travel with ethanol (in praise of biofuel)

Leaflet – How to live with coyotes (make them know they aren’t welcome and tell your neighbours to do the same)

Leaflet – If attacked by a mountain lion – fight back!

Leaflet – Dove and Band-tailed pigeon regulations 2011-12 (You can, if licensed, shoot up to 10 of those nice white-winged doves in the season).
