This series of blog posts is about water abstraction in the Norfolk Broads and the battle fought by land owners, Mr and Mr Tim Harris, to protect the biodiversity interest of their land.
2020, 4 February – Catfield Fen again
2019, 16 October – Save Catfield Fen (again)?
2019, 15 April – Catfield Fen ripples spread in water wars
2016, 19 September – Landowners win 8-year battle to save Catfield Fen
2014, 18 November – Catfield Fen – minded to be sensible
2014, 12 May – Catfield Fen – again
2013, 6 August – Catfield Fen revisited
2012, 10 September – Catfield
2012, 22 August – What would Douglas Adams think of this?
2012, 30 May – Catfield Fen, jewel in the crown, for how much longer?