I have said too little, I feel, about the music which has accompanied me across 20 US states in just over five weeks.
With a little help from Francis Sinatra;
Thank you for coming to fly with me to see what spring is like in Michigan, Kansas and Utah.
We saw Chicago in passing, which is Frank’s kind of town but LA is no lady that I’d like to be with and I gave NY, NY a miss too this time.
I have been a rover, and driven 10,000 miles, while crossing you in style. But, USA, despite all your faults, and all of mine, I get a kick out of you. Back home I will remember the summer wind across the plains and mountains, forests and deserts. And I’ve got you, under my skin and the memory of all that will stay with me forever.
And now the end is near, what now my love? I have a book to write – some of which was written in every one of the states I passed through. That’s life, and I feel on top in June.
Did you not find yourself standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona? Or leave your home in Tucson Arizona for some California grass? Anyway, it’s probably time for you to Get Back!
“Did you not find yourself standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona”
Or some sin-infested street corner in Houston, Texas. In search of the ever-elusive Thunderbird?
I want to hear about Witchey Woman