Thank you for your entries to this blog’s writing competition.
Entries closed at midnight last night and the last entry got in under the wire with 10 minutes to go.
You submitted 47 entries (from 43 people). These were in four categories of ‘wildlife and the arts’ (8 entries), ‘wildlife and politics’ (19 entries), ‘international’ (4 entries) and ‘invertebrates’ (13 entries) and there is at least one entry in the under-18 category. There are two more entries which, thus far, I am finding it difficult to allocate to any category but I’ll give them a proper read in due course.
I have only glanced at some of the entries so far, but there is already ample evidence of a high standard of writing. What a talented bunch of people you are.
Of the 47 entries, 26 have female authors and, obviously, 21 are male-authored.
I am in touch with my fellow judges, Michael McCarthy (author and former environment editor of the former Independent newspaper) and Sarah Vernon-Hunt my editor at Thames and Hudson about how we will make our decisions about the winners. But there will be winners, five of them, and they will be announced over the next few weeks. Each winner will receive a signed copy of my latest book, Remarkable Birds and their blog will be published here.
To look for news of winners, visit this blog at 3pm on Sunday afternoons over the next few weeks. There may be an update, or even the announcement of the first winner next weekend, but I cannot promise that. I’m conscious of the fact that my fellow judges are doing me a favour and are busy people.
PS if you have submitted an entry then you should by now have had an acknowledgement by email – you may have had more than one acknowledgement. If you have not had an acknowledgement then first, please, check your spam box and then only if you have not had the acknowledgement email sent this morning please get in touch at . I wouldn’t want anyone to feel un-thanked and I certainly wouldn’t want any entries to go unnoticed.