A Gove for good?

Michael Gove is a consummate politician and he’s no fool either. There are also rumours that he is quite keen on wildlife and the countryside (though he has managed to keep this fairly well-hidden to date). The new and dynamic Secretary of State for the Environment is about to make a speech at WWF’s HQ…

Banking on wildlife

I went to the bank the other day, which entails a car journey, and I was hoping to see a Bittern at a local nature reserve a few miles further on. I was only a hundred yards or so from home when I stopped at a T-junction and looked right; there was no traffic but…

A present came in the post

  This charming Hen Harrier arrived in the post from one of my favourite Twitter accounts: @chunkymark aka Artist Taxi Driver.   Thank you very much.   I’m expecting @chunkymark to sign up to Findlay Wilde’s thunderclap – which has passed a social reach of 6million (!!!!) And you never know, he might be in…

Pay day for conservationists

The disclosure of the salaries of some, not all, of the BBC’s ‘talent’ hit the headlines yesterday – we’re all interested in how underpaid we are and how overpaid ‘they’ are. Before the news came out, I thought about it a little, and I was expecting John Humphrys’s salary to be somewhere between £200k and…

Writing competition – write a book review of George Monbiot’s Feral

Writing competition – write a book review of George Monbiot’s Feral Last year this blog held a writing competition which produced some excellent articles (including this winner in the Wildlife and Politics category by Kerri ni Dochartaigh).  I have some ideas for further writing competitions and this is the first one. Write a book review of…