Białowieża forest

I’ve never been to Poland, though I did once spend a night sharing a bottle of port with a drunken Pole on a sleeper through Germany.  If I ever do get to Poland then this forest would be high on my list of sites to see. It’s part of our shared European natural heritage and…

RSPB, what’s the plan?

Martin Harper, the RSPB Conservation Director says, ‘The hen harrier, by contrast, has suffered a significant setback in its recovery according to the results of a recent UK survey. It is on the brink of extinction as a breeding bird in England…how do I explain their absence to my children? Well actually, Martin said that…

A short history of a lot of talking

It’s good to talk.   But talking can also be used as a refuge from taking action. If there’s one thing that is likely to get me animatedly irritated (and friends have seen this happen a few times) is when somebody comes onto the scene of the grouse shooting/moorland/raptor persecution issue and says something along the…

Oscar Dewhurst – Woodchat Shrike

Oscar writes: While we were staying in Doñana we spent an evening on a heathland where I was hoping to photograph subalpine warblers. Unfortunately I had no success with those, but did manage some photos of a Woodchat Shrike perched in the brambles as we were on our way out. Nikon D800, Nikon 400mm f.2.8…


I’ve written over 4000 blog posts here in just over 6 years, and they have had over 4 million page views. But there are other blogs out there and I dip into them too. I plan to start an irregular selection on occasional Sunday mornings, of blog posts that have caught my attention. Here’s the…