Five weeks today – four more Hen Harrier Day events

  South: Venue: RSPB Arne, Wareham, BH20 5BJ Start: 11am Speakers: Chris Packham, and tbc For more info: @HenHarrierDaySouth   Highland: Venue: Community Hall, Boat of Garten, PH24 3BL Start: 1pm Speakers:  Mark Avery, Andy Wightman MSP, Allan Bantick, Harry Huyton (One Kind), Ian Thomson (RSPB), Peter Argyle (Cairngorms NP) For more info: Facebook, @HHDayHighlands  …

Tim Melling – Hudsonian Godwit

  Tim writes: Hudsonian Godwit is quite a scarce North American shorebird and is classed as near-threatened by IUCN.  It breeds only in five well scattered areas ranging from northern Alaska to the shores of Hudson Bay.  It winters in southern South America but has regular stopover sites in North America, including southern Alaska where…