A Hen Harrier poem by Anneliese Emmans Dean

  A poem by Anneliese Emmans Dean from her new book – see review tomorrow   Endangered   Silver shimmer Heather skimmer   Ring tailer Air sailor   Grouse catcher Pipit snatcher   Big dipper Trip flipper   Sky dancer Slim chancer   Hope carrier Hen Harrier  

Hen Harrier Day 2017 – an update

The Hen Harrier Day website – maintained by Birders Against Wildlife Crime – is the place to keep in touch with Hen Harrier Day events, but here is an update. Hen Harrier Day celebrates the beauty of this wonderful bird and highlights its threatened status which is almost entirely due to wildlife crime.  Hen Harriers…

Let them eat grice! with a side order of lead.

I am grateful to a non-reader of this blog, my mum, for pointing out this joke article in the i newspaper. Patrick Galbraith thinks that Pheasants are the solution to food poverty – and that grouse could play their part too.  This follows his witty article on fox hunting being the most egalitarian sport, much…