A milestone

Some time over the last few days this blog passed 4 million page views since it sprang into life in April 2011. In fact it must have been passed quite a while ago, but there was a period of nearly two months in early 2015 when no visits were recorded by the software so that’s…

Just driving

I was in Wiltshire yesterday morning.  As I drove past Stonehenge on my left there were three Great Bustards flying north on my right. That was a good start to the day.

A good petition to sign

‘Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to sponsor a comprehensive and independent study into the full economic impacts of driven grouse shooting.’ This petition in Scotland is pushing at an open door – but it is certainly still worth showing that you support it. Please sign it and get your friends…

The not so talented Viscount Ridley, at it again

Viscount Ridley was writing in The Times yesterday, Viscount Ridley has form (here, here). It is a splenetic piece of writing which accuses just about everyone except grouse moor managers of being in it for the money.  Environmentalists talk up climate change so that their mates can make money from green energy apparently, thinks the…

The Gove Test – some thoughts

The ‘Gove test’ for the environment is ‘If we want the UK’s approach to environmental protection and enhancement to be seen as the best in the world, what does that mean and what does it look like at a local, national and global level?‘. I’m offering a wide range of organisations the opportunity to publish…