Sunday book review – Bumblebees by Richard Comont

  This book is another in the RSPB Spotlight series (see my review of Kingfishers) which is published by Bloomsbury.  It’s a cracking book written, by an expert, in a thoroughly engaging and understandable manner. I’ve had this book for a while but picked it up to find out more about the Tree Bumblebees in…

Tim Melling – Humpback Whale

Tim writes: Sometimes whale blows look photogenic, sometimes they do not.  When I was in Alaska I spotted that the perfect situation arose for taking whale blows so I seized the opportunity.  These circumstances were no wind, early morning backlighting, plus a dark background to accentuate the blow.  And here is the result on a…

The Queen’s speech in full

World exclusive, an early draft of the Queen’s speech: ‘My government will find new ways of transferring money from public services to the wealthy few. They will persist with hard Brexit in order to cripple one’s economy. Now that’s it because I’m orfff to Royal Ascot and if they ever have a State Opening of…

Conservation Honours

Extracts from the Queen’s Birthday Honours list:   CBE: Dr. Anthony JUNIPER, Fellow, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. For services to Conservation. Many congratulations to Tony! You’ll be able to learn more about Tony in Behind More Binoculars – out later this year.         OBE: Dr. Geoffrey Charles HAWTIN, lately…