Some books

It is around now that this blog would normally list its books of the year, but this year you’ll have to wait until the very end of the year for that list. However, it is surely worth noting that this Christmas, and every other day from now on, there is quite a choice of books…

Tim Melling – Western Sandpiper

Tim writes: this is a juvenile Western Sandpiper being engulfed by the foam of an incoming wave.  It was roosting on a beach when both it and me were taken by surprise by an unusually big wave.  I was lying flat on my belly at the time and so was soaked to the skin but…

We’re 18,132 signatures ahead

‘From Havel, we learn that the true heroes of our time are those who stay the course.’ – Bruce Chatwin Earlier this year an e-petition to support grouse shooting ground to a halt with 25,322 signatures following our very successful e-petition calling for a ban reaching 123, 077 signatures – it was a rout! Now…