Hazel Grove/High Peak vote swap

This is a great idea!  And whether it works or not it represents a fascinating attempt by ordinary voters to make their votes count for more! This is the idea: if you are a Labour voter in Hazel Grove your vote won’t count for very much, and if you are a Liberal in High Peak…

Farming Today on licensing for game shoots in Scotland.

Farming Today interviewed Ian Thomson from the RSPB about last Wednesday’s proposals to license game shooting in Scotland. Starts 7 minutes 20 seconds into the programme. RSPB not against driven grouse shooting. Scottish Land and Estates all in favour of stamping out wildlife crime but did a Theresa May and sent a note instead of…

BBS visit 2

I did the second visit to my first BBS square yesterday – as I drove the few miles there and back there was news of the terror attack on London Bridge and at Borough Market. Crazy! I’m glad I live in a rural area but I’ve enjoyed snacking, dining, having my hair cut, having a…

Tim Melling – Barrow’s Goldeneye

Tim writes:  Iceland is the only breeding site for Barrow’s Goldeneye outside of North America.  I photographed this flying male in Alaska where it was common.  It was named in honour of Sir John Barrow from the Admiralty who sponsored many Arctic expeditions during the nineteenth century.    Barrow’s Goldeneye differs from Common Goldeneye by the…

Denton Wood – here’s another FC mess up!

I bet you don’t know much about Denton Wood do you? Neither did I until very recently even though it’s only about 20 minutes drive from my house. It’s an area of Ancient Woodland which has, like many in this area, conifers planted in it in the past, but many such woods are recovering as…