Tim Melling – Ethiopian Wolf

Ethiopian Wolves (Canis simensis) are the rarest Canid on the planet with a population of around just five hundred individuals.  Most of these are found in the Bale Mountains but a second population occurs further north in the Simien Mountains.  Interbreeding with feral dogs  is one problem, but they have also caught rabies and distemper…

The party manifestos and the environment – a round up

When I vote next Thursday, I won’t vote on solely environmental grounds, but it will be a significant factor in my choice.  I hope it will be a factor in your choice too. There is a massive difference in the approach to the environment from the Left and Right of politics which is very clear…

Let’s see the back of Andrew Bingham in High Peak

The Peak District is a fulcrum for change in the British uplands and has been the scene of three Hen Harrier Day events so far. Each of those events was held in the constituency of Andrew Bingham, High Peak, but we didn’t see him at any of them. The constituents of High Peak were strong…