Let’s see the back of Craig Whittaker in Calder Valley

Calder Valley was the constituency that provided the most signatures for my e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting. In fact it produced 871 (out of 123,077) signatures. The rival e-petition, supporting grouse shooting, accumulated just 31 signatures in Calder Valley (and only 25,322 overall). And yet Conservative MP for the Calder Valley, Craig Whittaker, spoke…

Hen Harrier Day politicians

A week today we will have the result of the 2017 general election.  It’s your choice.  Today I’ll be writing about individual constituencies and candidates. Over the three Hen Harrier Days to date we have seen a few politicians attend. I’d like to see them all re-elected, or in one case elected, on 8 June….

Vote for Policies – my results

It was something of a relief when I found that I had supported the Labour Party policies more than any other party’s policies when I chose them without seeing the policies labelled by party. But it comes as no surprise that Greens and LibDems scored highly too. Of course. the party policies are what they…

UKIP manifesto

I recommend that all should read the UKIP manifesto – I recommend that none should vote for them. The UKIP manifesto has a section on protecting the environment which meets, head on, the belief of many of us that Brexit will almost certainly be bad for the UK environment by saying ‘Brexit will not put…

Plaid Cymru manifesto

  The Plaid Cymru manifesto for the Westminster elections has precious little about the environment in it because most environmental issues are devolved matters. Therefore, Plaid Cymru Westminster MPs play little role in debates or votes on such things. So, if a Welsh voter, you know that electing a Plaid Cymru MP will do little…