
I’ll come back to the meat of the Greener UK hustings over the next couple of days, but I wanted to tell you about this. I’d been out in the open air of east Northants most of the morning, and then stood on Wellingborough station platform for a while before getting the train into London….

Greener UK hustings

I trotted around the streets of east Northants yesterday morning delivering leaflets for Beth Miller, the Labour candidate for Corby, and then put on my suit and tie and headed into London for the Greener UK hustings. This was a chance, a very rare chance, for the environment to be centre stage in political discourse…

Dear Mr Pursglove

Dear Mr Pursglove You are definitely not the worst MP I’ve ever had – not by a long way.  After all, there was Louise Mensch. And I do appreciate the speed and the care with which you have responded to my letters to you.  You get high marks there. The trouble is, you are a…

Signs of the times

Yesterday I was at the RSPB nature reserve at Frampton Marsh on a cloudy, slightly drizzly and breezy day. But it was great, and we saw lots of birds. In fact, we saw 68 species and through the wonders of Birdtrack I know that on the same date last year, on another visit to Frampton…

Environmental protection post-Brexit

I watched the Channel 4 programme last night and thought that Paxman was quite clever in giving Jeremy Corbyn little time to answer any question before interrupting, and yet Corbyn did answer them, and giving TM the PM lots of time, and yet she couldn’t answer them.  In some ways, and probably unintentionally, he helped…