The good news from Scotland

I’ve been in Scotland for a couple of days and the glens were ringing to the sound of rejoicing as the Holyrood Parliament’s Environment Committee decided to explore the option of licensing of driven grouse shooting (see detailed coverage by our friends at Raptor Persecution UK). This is good news and all credit to the…

25 years is a long time in….

  25 years is a long time in…well it’s a long time, full stop. Birdwatch magazine is 25 years old and this is its 300th issue.  Happy Birthday! In this issue there are articles on the development of optics technology and digital photography (by Mike Alibone and Steve Young) and a piece by me on…

If only it were that easy…

The RSPB video of a man collecting Hen Harrier feathers, some apparently still attached to the bird, has now been viewed more than 15,000 times. If you get to it via the RSPB website and are all fired up about wildlife crime then the RSPB offers a suggestion for how you can help.