Tim Melling – Lanner

Lanner Falcons are scarce breeding birds in Europe but they are more numerous in sub-Saharan Africa.  So it was a species I was hoping to see and photograph in Ethiopia but I got better than I could have hoped for.  This male was flying round at eye-level in the morning sunshine with steep nesting cliffs…

Birdwatchers are smoking mad

  Birdwatchers are up in arms at the description of the new colour for cigarette packets as ‘the world’s ugliest colour’. Pantone 448 c is the colour which dominates the wardrobes of many UK birders – although not that of Lee G R Evans. Staff of clothing firms Country Innovation, Rohan and Paramo are reaching…

Bird populations experiencing austerity in UK countryside

  Defra has published the annual data on bird population trends.  Take a look at the graphs – everything is going to pot! In Defra’s own words, two reasons for taking notice of these trends are as follows: ‘Bird populations have long been considered to provide a good indication of the broad state of wildlife…