Report of shot Hen Harrier near Leadhills

According to the Carluke Gazette: About 5.15pm on May 4, Police Scotland received a report regarding a male who shot and killed a Hen Harrier, near to the B7040 from Leadhills to Elvanfoot. Inspector Martin Speirs is reported to have said: ‘A number of witnesses have come forward, and significant enquiry is underway.  I urge…

Election comment 1

I wonder whether Emily Thornberry and Barry Gardiner have been on a media training course – if so, it’s certainly working.  Back on 20 April Barry gave Adam Bolton a trouncing on SKY news and he had a really good go at Nick Robinson on the Today programme last week. And then Emily Thornberry puts…

Manifesto week

By the end of this week it will be manifest how poor is the grasp of environmental issues by our leading political parties.  I am not expecting that any of them will reach the standards of the Green Party’s environmental manifesto. The Liberal Democrats: usually have some good things on the environment in their manifesto…

Tim Melling – White-headed Vulture

This is the White-headed Vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis) which is rare and declining throughout its range.  It has been classified as critically endangered by IUCN, which is the highest category before extinction in the wild.  Although it is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa it is always scarce and at low density. Being a vulture it feeds on…