Another Friday, another video, another dropped case

  RSPB Press release: RSPB Scotland has expressed its frustration and disappointment after another prosecution of an individual charged with alleged wildlife crime offences was discontinued by the Crown Office in Scotland. The latest case began on 9th July 2015 when RSPB Scotland staff, walking on the Brewlands Estate in Glen Isla, Angus, discovered an…

BBS 2 – ET you’re home

I don’t remember ever having to scrape frost off the car windscreen when heading off to survey a BBS square in May or June but I did on Wednesday when I found the time to carry out the first visit to my second square.  Things weren’t looking very good as I drove down the Nene…

Green Party environment manifesto published

The first words on the environment have been uttered by the political parties – the Green Party of England and Wales has produced its environmental manifesto. Well done to the Greens for having the first word – is this the last word on the environment? It’s a mere 10 pages with half of them being…

A response from the CEO of CNP

My blog this morning drew a quick response from Fiona Howie the Chief Exec of the Campaign for National Parks. She posted a comment and here it is for ease of reading: ‘As you say Mark, people are welcome to get in touch with us but before doing so I would encourage them to have…

Poor show from National Parks

The Campaign for National Parks has published its ‘manifesto‘ – which is actually a small begging letter – for the general election.  It’s a disappointing list. The CNP wants: Strengthening national planning protections for the National Parks Protecting the funding currently committed to the National Parks for the next five years so they can be…