Tale of a hedge (revisited)

In 2014 I wrote a few blogs about a puzzling hedge (see here, here, here). The resolution to the puzzle was that a farmer had driven down the road with his spray still on and had, accidentally, sprayed over a mile of roadside hedge . Time for an update – this is the fourth spring…

Media release – New project launched to save Scotland’s rarest insects

Media release on behalf of RSPB, Butterfly Conservation, Cairngorms NP, Buglife, SNH and Leader.   A new project is being launched in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park to save six of Scotland’s rarest invertebrates. The shining guest ant, dark bordered beauty moth, small scabious mining bee, northern silver-stiletto fly, pine hoverfly and Kentish…

BBS visit 1

Having spent most of April in Spain, I was looking forward to doing my first BBS visit to one of my two BBS squares – I really was. So much so that having arrived back home at about 0400 on Saturday morning I even considered going straight out to see if I could see any…

‘The’ book on the Hen Harrier

  Bloomsbury (of which Poyser is now a part) are reissuing Donald Watson’s classic book on the Hen Harrier this summer. My copy of the book sits within reach on my desk right now and it was the first Christmas present that my then girlfriend, now wife, gave me, very nearly 40 years ago. Watson’s…

A recap

I’m sure the Scottish government, the SNP, the Scottish Gamekeepers Organisation and Scottish Land and Estates wish that these images would go away – but we should make sure that they are kept in the public domain.  They illustrate the failure of wildlife protection in Scotland. The bird that flies through this video and then…