Food prices may be lower after Brexit

This is an interesting article by Warwick Lightfoot, Director of Research and Head of Economics and Social Policy at Policy Exchange.  Unsurprisingly, from the Policy Exchange, it is strong on the view that leaving the EU will increase competition and therefore allow food prices to drop. This would be good news for consumers – that…

Dick Potts remembered

I was sorry to miss the chance to pay my respects in person at Dick’s funeral but I was away in Spain (and I think he would have approved) but I was pleased to see these tributes appear over the last few weeks (and I spoke to several of the authors and compilers). The Guardian…

Live in Scotland? Then put pressure on the SNP.

  The recent debacle in the Scottish legal and conservation system over the four-year delay in doing nothing (!) over the illegal alleged killing of a Hen Harrier is a matter for Scottish legal officers and Scottish nature conservationists to sort out with the help and support of Scottish politicians. The female Hen Harrier that…

Tim Melling – Adder

Getting an Adder moving towards you takes a bit of patience as they’ll usually head for cover when humans approach.  Most people photograph them early morning when they are torpid and usually coiled, while trying to warm up.  I was on Thorne Moors in South Yorkshire when I came across five adders all basking in…