Tim Melling – Crossbill

Here is a young male Crossbill with a lovely golden colour that superficially looks more like a female.  You can see small patches of the adult male red colouration coming through.  I see Crossbills quite frequently but they are usually high in the trees or flying over, so I was pleased to get this one…

Nature being let down by the system

I’m not entirely sure which shocks me the most – the deed itself or the inability of the conservation, political and legal systems to deal with it. The video released today by the RSPB is nearly four years old. It seems to show a Hen Harrier being flushed off the nest and shot.  The RSPB…

RSPB video of Hen Harrier at Cabrach

On 10 June 2013 an RSPB nest camera filmed the following footage at a Hen Harrier nest on the Cabrach Estate in Morayshire. The only good thing about the dropping of the case after so many years (and years, and years) is that you can now see the evidence of the video footage for yourself….