A general election for the environment?

Have you spotted that there is going to be a UK general election this June? I bet you have. This will allow all the political parties to set out their environmental policies so that we can choose between them – in theory.  Don’t hold your breath! I will be rather surprised if Labour has any…

Tim Melling – Black Grouse

This male was flying into a lek in North Wales taken while I was using the car as a hide.  They make two different noises while lecking.  They make a constant bubbling call, interspersed with a harsh hissing chooweee, and I can confirm that this bird with its open beak was hissing.  Photographing lecking birds…

Tim Melling – Ring Ousel

I took this photograph on Easter Sunday while it was actually raining.  Most people seemed to avoid the Peak District Moors in grim weather but I braved it and was rewarded with this close view.  I sat quietly in the lee of a drystone wall by a wind-stunted Rowan tree and waited for about twenty…