Press release from the Environmental Funders Network

 Starts:   Caroline Lucas and Sir David Attenborough top list of ‘Environmental Heroes’ for Earth Day   London, 19th April 2017: Ahead of Earth Day 2017 (22 April), CEOs from the UK’s leading environmental charities have voted for their ‘Environmental Heroes’ as part of the Pulse Survey conducted by the Environmental Funders Network. Caroline Lucas,…

Heading back to Spain tomorrow

I’ll be back in Spain again tomorrow – this time it’s work (although there will be quite a lot of time spent using binoculars). I’ll be travelling with Ruth Miller and we’ll be popping into the Donana Bird Fair on Sunday.

Bird flu update

In the last four weeks there has only been one identified case of bird flu in wild birds in the UK and that was a Mute Swan in Somerset towards the beginning of that 4-week period.  DEFRA state that earlier in the year there were as many as 55 dead birds per week being submitted…

Spring unwinding at Stanwick Lakes

I know I won’t get any sympathy for this, but I feel I am missing out on the true spring experience this year.  I’ve just spent two weeks in Spain and got back to the UK on Tuesday evening. Before I left I had seen or heard Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Sand Martin at…

I like these daffodils

I was driving through the Picos de Europa on Monday morning, as one does, and there were loads of wild daffodils (I assume!) in the woods and fields. Lovely. So different from those feral things that litter our roadsides in too many places.