
If you see this post then it strongly suggests I have fixed the failure of the automatic scheduling on this blog.  And that will make my life a lot easier.

My binoculars are not happy

It’s my binoculars’ birthday today – they are 41 years old. And they aren’t happy. It isn’t just that they are feeling their age, it’s the fact that just over 50% of my fellow Brits and TM the PM have fixed it that it is on my binoculars’ birthday that ‘we’ trigger Article 50 for…

Champions of the Flyway

Today is the Champions of the Flyway bird race based in Eilat, Israel. Last year I was a member of the Birdwatch-Birdguides Roadrunners team which was a real privilege for me (see blogs Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7). This year the team comprises Mike Alibone, Mark…

Daffs in The Guardian

Roadside Daffodils have made it into the Guardian this week in Patrick Barkham’s Notebook. I was slightly nervous in raising the subject of my feelings for feral daffodils at all last week, but I’m glad I did. It was good to get it off my chest and even better to find a fair measure of…

North of the border

The National Trust for Scotland is a separate entity from the National Trust (England, Wales and NI) and therefore doesn’t impinge on my consciousness very much. But I was interested to see that it has been carrying out quite a dramatic down-size (see here, here, here). And even more interested to see that it’s Chief…