Tim Melling – heron/otter face-off

This Giant River Otter had caught a fish and was busily eating it when a Cocoi Heron flew in and landed on an adjacent branch.  The Heron edged his way down the branch and boldly stared the feeding otter right in the eye, poised for the snatch.  One second later the Heron lunged at the…

Cheltenham review

It will come as no surprise to many readers of this blog that I have been at a meeting, on a course, this week.  I spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes and afternoons at Cheltenham racecourse (and this afternoon was sitting in front of the TV watching the racing). I go racing for several reasons,…

Last few hours to contribute

  The BAWC crowdfunder closes today – and has done really well.  Thank you very much to all who have contributed and helped it reach two big targets (£10k initially and now over £19k). It’s impressive how BAWC has reached out to birders and conservationists and got this important study going. Over 700 of us…