Guest blog – Seeing the wood for the trees by Ian Parsons

Ian Parsons spent twenty years working as a Ranger with the Forestry Commission, where he not only worked with birds of prey and dormice, but where he developed his passion for trees.  Now a freelance writer, Ian runs his own specialist bird tour company leading tours to Extremadura.  For more details see This is…

Birds and trees

  Do you remember this image from Oscar Dewhurst? When I saw the image below, sent by blog reader Chris Gee, I wondered for a minute whether it was ‘same tree, different bird’ but a closer look proved that it wasn’t. Have you answered this short questionnaire on Little Owls?

Little trotty wagtail

The Pied Wagtail roost near my home is still going strong, although slightly less strong than earlier as there are now c200 Pied Wagtails roosting there. At the weekend I made a couple of early morning visits to watch the birds leaving the roost which they did over a period of just over half an…

Sunny day

Yesterday was a largely sunny day in east Northants. I met a friend for lunch and made several phone calls on my way home – usually from highpoints in the countryside with expansive views. Everywhere one looked there were pairs of displaying Buzzards.  The most I saw at once was 13 birds in the air…

Little Owls – what do you think?

  Yesterday I drove past Lilford Hall, up the road from where I live in east Northants, and thought, as I always do, of Little Owls. It was here that the first Little Owl nest in the UK was found in the grounds of Lilford Hall on St George’s Day 1889 after the bird was…