Guest blog – 15 miles of What?! Where? by Ian Rappel

Ian Rappel is a conservationist and activist of 25 years. He’s currently Chief Executive for Gwent Wildlife Trust, and lives in Talgarth on the northern fringes of the Black Mountains. Arriving at the Gwent Levels after travelling south through upland Wales it’s the intensity of the light and the sense of big skies that hits…


Can you name the current Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs?   Let’s have a recap: Maria Eagle (Garston and Halewood) October 2013 – September 2015 Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East) September 2015 – June 2016 Rachael Maskell (York Inner) June 2016 – February 2017 and now… Sue Hayman (Workington) from February…

Defra: friendless, clueless and hopeless

The Defra 25-year Nature Strategy is delayed – that’s not a great surprise, Defra has more or less ground to a halt on nature. The delay will be due to several factors: there is no discernable interest in wildlife conservation from any Defra minister – nor any sign of aptitude, experience or knowledge of the…

Oscar Dewhurst – Pheasant

Oscar writes: While pulling into the car park at Minsmere, during a 3-week stint doing some photography for them last Spring, I spotted this male Pheasant perched on top of this pile of rubble, occasionally displaying. I positioned the car so I could shoot through the open window, and after a few minutes it did…

This blog

Tomorrow morning I will post the 4,000th post on this blog in well under six years. If you’ve been with me since the first post, Don’t let them get away with this, 21 April 2011, then you have quite a lot of stamina. Thank you! There have been more than 3.8m pageviews in that time. …