Success for Dukes of North Yorkshire

Thank you to all of the readers of this blog who supported the crowdfunder for habitat management to support Duke of Burgundy butterflies. They did it!  In fact the target of £6000 was smashed with £9,763 raised. Thank you to Steve Bamford for his Guest Blog. And thank you to all who have supported the…

EPIC FAIL 4 – the scale of the fail

We (because I am sure that you, dear reader, signed the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting) have been luxuriating in the glow of the size of support for our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting for a few months but now that the ‘rival’ e-petition in support of grouse shooting has closed, on a…

Oscar Dewhurst – Cormorant

Oscar Dewhurst: A few years ago I spent several days photographing Cormorants in Hyde Park, where they would fish underneath the Serpentine Bridge. The great thing about this location was the shade from the bridge meant the water would appear completely black in the resulting photos. This was taken as the bird surfaced from an…

Bottom of the shooting league table?

The review of gamebird shooting regulation across Europe carried out for SNH is a cracking read – a real eye-opener. Decision-makers across the UK should study it carefully. What emerges from it is that gamebird shooting in the UK (in all four countries) is way adrift of the European norm in terms of standards of…

Tim Melling – Great Black Hawk

This is an adult Great Black Hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga) the split second before snatching a fish from the water.  Its bizarre scientific name urubitinga is a native Brazilian (Tupi) word for this bird.  It is found in wooded and watery habitats throughout Central and South America. Taken with Nikon D500 Nikkor 300mm f4 lens  f4…