Shooting wildlife for fun – weakly regulated and weakly supported

On the day when the Scottish Government’s review of regulation of gamebird hunting across Europe is published (I will blog about this tomorrow – I’ll read it between rugby matches today) it is worth noting that Chris Packham’s e-petition asking for a moratorium on shooting of seriously declining wader species has passed the signature total…


Isn’t Suffolk lovely? I spoke at The Cut in Suffolk on Tuesday evening to the Waveney Bird Club and anyone else who wanted to come along. As is often the case with my talks, there was one shooting enthusiast looking, I have to say, a bit sour and taking notes as I spoke. I wonder…

Socio-economics of grouse shooting

A masters student at Harper Adams is investigating the socio-economics of grouse shooting with an online survey that appears to be open to anyone but seems to be mostly circulated among gamekeepers on Facebook! Call me cynical if you like, but I just wonder whether this might emerge at some future date as ‘a detailed…